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Submitted by admin on 22 May 2024

Vetocure XT427

Liquid floor hardener and dust proofer

<p>Vetotop XT427 is a single-component, sodium-silicate-based liquid hardener, curing compound, dust proofer, and densifier for concrete. It works by reacting with the free lime present in the concrete to prevent dusting and harden the surface of the concrete. This product has penetration properties that enable it to perform permanently across the layer of the concrete surface rather than superficially.</p>


  • To dust-proof and harden new and old concrete floors
  • For warehouse, hanger, and garage floors.
  • For precast panels.
  • Curing compound


  • Improved concrete curing (enhances cement hydration and provides more durable concrete).
  • Control of moisture loss.
  • Improved surface quality
  • Reduced permeability.
  • Minimized potential for surface cracking and shrinkage.
  • Easy to apply which reduces labor costs.

Usage Instructions

Surfaces about to be treated with Vetocure XT427 must be structurally sound and free from loose materials.

Repair cracks or holes using a recommended Saveto repair material which should be allowed to cure before proceeding with the application of Vetocure XT427.

Treat oil and grease contaminated surfaces with a suitable chemical degreaser followed by washing with clean water then allow them to dry.

Remove any laitance or existing coating before applying Vetocure XT427, as these prevent the product from penetrating the concrete’s surface.

Allow new concrete floors to cure for 14 days before the treatment. Allow the colored floors to cure for 28 before the treatment. Test a small area with Vetocure XT427 to assess the effect it has on the color.

Vetocure XT427 must only be applied on dry surfaces to maximize penetration.

Mix 2 parts of XT427 and 1 part of clean water, slowly, using a speed mixer for 2 minutes to produce a homogenous mix.

Ensure that the surface you’re about to treat is fully dry. Then, use a soft broom or brush to apply the Vetocure XT427 mixture at a rate of approximately 1 liter to every 4 - 6 m2 (depending on the surface condition and concrete porosity).

Allow the solution to be absorbed into the floor for up to 2 hours; remove any solution not absorbed after this period. (Failure to do so will create a weak, glossy surface film after drying).

It is recommended that each application must consist of 2 - 3 coats (for complete treatment). However, very dense and well-trowelled surfaces (such as granolithic toppings, power floated, or vacuumed and dewatered concrete) will generally require only a single coat.

If a second application is necessary, re-apply the solution after 24 hours, ensuring that the floor is dry. All surplus solutions must be removed as stated previously. Apply the same procedure for a third application if required.

Important Note: Consult your local Saveto technical representative for recommendations about conditions and application methods.

Clean spraying equipment immediately after use by flushing it through with water.


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