<p>Vetoseal XW770 is an environmentally friendly Silicone-based sub-silicone polymeric water repellant pore sealer and surface hardener for concrete, masonry, and natural stone. The product penetrates the substrate, reacts with airborne carbon dioxide, and hardens, providing an impervious hard, and dense surface.</p>
The surface must be sound and thoroughly cleaned before Vetoseal XW770 is applied. All loose particles, old mortar, laitance, dirt, paint, etc., must be removed by brushing with a stiff/wire brush or other suitable means. Fungi or Algae should be scoured away using hypochlorite type bleach or proprietary fungicidal solution and then washed with water. Remove all traces of oil and greases with an industrial-grade chemical degreaser or another suitable degreasing agent.
Apply Vetoseal XW770 as a continuous flood coat using either a soft brush or low-pressure spray equipment at the correct coverage rate. For best performance, apply a single flood coat at a rate of 4-6 m2 per liter.
Clean equipment and tools using clean water immediately after use. If residual material exists or hardens, mechanical means such as wire brush would be required to remove residue.
Premium premixed compound for gypsum board joints.
مركب ناعم عالي الجودة لفواصل الجبس والتشطيب وتسوية ألواح الجبس